Lonsdale Quay - Urban Sprint Training - Mass Start Why Just Run
January 14th 2024 9:30am - 12:00pm
Organizers: Laurent Mingo (Event Director), Joanne Woods (Membership), Alton Ho (Assistant), Chris Benn (Organizer), John Rance (Coach), Stan Woods (Assistant), Sergio Fernández (Assistant), Robyn Astridge (Assistant), Nathan Detroit Barrett (Assistant), Jonathan Harris (Assistant), Erica Lay (Assistant), Victoria Cote (Assistant), Meghan MacLeod (Assistant)
Map: Lonsdale Quay
Results are posted here
The overall times are correct but the splits are sometimes not accurate because they got scrambled a bit with the Farsta format.
Mass Start / Farsta !
- Revamped Map (Thanks Alton!) on Lonsdale Quay for the first WJR of 2024.
- Mass Start & Forking
- Map Flips
- Multi-Levels
... what not to like? Plus, you'll get sharp for Sprint Camp.
What is a Farsta? It is a mass-start race with forking and a few hub controls along the way: fun !
Online Registration
Call for a few volunteers to pick up controls at the end: This sheet. Thanks !
- Online registration at regular $ until Friday Jan 12 @ 6pm;
- After that, online late entries (2x $) , until Sat Jan 13 @ 12pm.
Preliminary Schedule
As registration/check-in volunteers need time to get ready for their run & mass start after registration closes, please insure your register on-line ahead of time.
- 09:30 check-in/registration opens (bring and show whistle at check-in desk to speed things up , thanks)
- 09:45 Tips for beginners
- 10:00 Registration closes, no late registration past this time (So volunteers can be on time for mass start)
- 10:15: Mass Start for Expert and Elite together (*)
- 10:20 All non Mass Start participants can start
- 10:30 Last Individual Start.
- 12:00: Course closes, all participants must report to the Finish before leaving.
- 12:00: controls pick-up starts
Courses (non-mass start):
- Beginner++: easy-ish 1 km, 15m elevation gain, 11 controls. Easy enough, a few tricks
- Intermediate++ (*):~ 2.2 km, 75m elevation gain, 19 controls. Tricky
Farsta Courses (mass start)
- Expert: 4 km, 65m elevation change, 33 controls: Intense enough
- Elite: 5.0 km, 90m elevation change, 41 controls : Intense for sure
...You can always self-start after the mass start if you prefer.
(*):Registrants in the Intermediate++ course are welcome to take part in the mass start (your course is not forked though).
Safety Precautions & Notes on the new map
- No crossing of Lonsdale Ave.
- No crossing of Esplanade Ave. (except via foot bridge)
- Watch for cars on smaller streets and buses near transit loop
- Watch for pedestrians
- If wet, some pedestrian area (piers) can be quite slippery
Parking/Start Location etc..
- Closest uncovered p.lot: West Park Lot #109 just W of registration.
- Other Parkades near Sea-Bus & Transit terminal a few min E of registration
- Easy access via Sea-bus and Transit.
- Washroom SE corner of Waterfront Park, ~ 50m from start/finish area.
About Multi-Levels
Areas that are layered with white strips indicate that areas are passable on 2 levels. With triangle lines indicating access to the lower level and square dotted lines indicating access to the upper level. Note that multilevel mapping in the current standard preserves the detail of the upper level and any detail of the lower level is not shown on the map.
Another example with bridges and underpasses:
The triangle lines indicate entry points to the lower level while the square dotted lines indicate the upper level is free of wall, while the lower level has lateral walls.
More detailed information regarding multilevel mapping can be found here
Other Urban sprint training on the horizon to get ready for Sprint Camp
Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun5262 (all one word)