Confederation Park Wednesday Evening Training
February 15th 2017 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Organizers: Nathan Detroit Barrett (Event Director), Jules Tough (Membership), Pia Blake (Coach), Sergio FerLoz (Coach)
Map: Confederation Park
Thanks everyone for coming out and thanks to Jules, Pia and Sergio for the help! Results have been posted. Hope to see you all next time!
Come out for a post-Valentine's-themed orienteering Fix at Confederation Park this week! 2 point to point courses of varying length. Terrain in this area is fairly straightforward and open, so great for beginner's. As I've done in the past, the longer course will be set with clusters of controls after a longer running leg, allowing you to read ahead, and then move more quickly through the clusters more by memory than by using the map. To go with the Valentine's theme, I've also bought some treats that I was going to hide out on the course, but that may be weather dependent...Come hang out and eat chocolate with me!
6:15pm Introduction to Orienteering for Beginners
6:30pm Starts
8pm Course Closure, participants must report to the Finish before leaving.
Safety Precautions
Carry a whistle at all times. Headlamps are essential on the longer course. Take care when crossing roads and parking lots.
Parking/Start/Finish Locations
Starts will be from the covered area just W of the parking area off of the corner of Beta/Dundas. Parking available off of Beta/Dundas and lots of bus service off of Hastings.
Post-Event dining
Without volunteers, these events cannot take place. A hearty thanks to all those helping put this event on. If you would like to volunteer/help at upcoming WETs/WJRs or would like to organize a WET please let us know.