
Map standardISSprOM
Events on map10


Printed size: Letter or half-legal.

Downloads: There are two OCAD files available for this map:

  1. The main map is shown in the preview image, and can be downloaded using the link at the top of the page.
  2. Hume_Park_West_4000_HalfLegal.ocd just contains the western park section, and two copies can fit on legal paper.

Map image

Events on this map

Series Date
Hume Park/ Holiday Potluck (WET) Dec 19, 2012
Hume Park Take 2 (WET) Jan 9, 2013
Hume Park (WET) Nov 27, 2013
Hume Park (WET) Nov 19, 2014
Hume Park (WET) Dec 16, 2015
Hume Park Tinsel Chase (WET) Dec 14, 2016
Hume Park (WET) Nov 28, 2018
Hume Park (WET) Jan 29, 2020
Hume Park WET (WET) Oct 4, 2023
Lower Hume Park WET (WET) Jun 5, 2024
