Hume Park Tinsel Chase
Wednesday Evening Training
December 14th 2016 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Organizer: James Golding (Event Director)
Map: Hume Park
It's the Hume Park Tinsel Chase!
Mass start at 6:45pm • Holiday Party follows afterwards
Come out to Hume Park for the most tinsel filled event of the year! Anyone wearing tinsel or other festive attire will be rewarded with a bonus head start!
How it works:
- Park in the main Hume Parking lot, accessed from North Road at the north end of the park.
- Follow the tinsel to the start!
- There will be a super fun mass start at 6:45pm
- The three wise men created FOUR short loops (600m each) named after the 4 precious goods: Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh and Spandex.
- The first runner to finish all four loops then starts the last CHASE loop.
- The chequered tinsel flag will then be raised, signifying that EVERYONE else finishing their current loop then follows on to the chase loop (doesn't matter if you don't finish all 4 of the first loops).
- The winner gets tinsel. They have to wear it. All night.
Also sign up for the party afterwards: PARTY!!!!!
Directions to the party from Hume park: how to get there - its just 5km, but cyclists be warned - its ever so slightly up hill.