WET # 7 - Jericho Beach Park Wednesday Evening Training
October 18th 2004 6:30pm
Organizer: Daniel Coombs (Event Director)
Map: Jericho Beach
Meet at 6.30pm at the East end of the parking lot behind Jericho Sailing Club. To get there, go West on 4th Avenue. Turn right on NW Marine Drive towards Jericho Beach and Spanish Banks. Take the first right (Discovery Street) and park at the end of the road in the parking lot.The format will be as follows: First, run 4.45km course (staggered starts). Then, after a break for people to catch their breath, or around 7.15, we will have a reverse chasing start where the slowest from the first course goes off first, with others following according to elapsed time. Second course is 2.01km. Those not interested in racing can just do one, other or both courses in their own time.Please arrive promptly at 6.30 so we can get going.Also please let me know as soon as you can if you are attending.Dan Coombs
Event ReportSplit Times for first loop:
Lehel 25.28
Meghan 35.30
John 40.40
Graeme + Bruce 43.14
Bruce Inglis 32.20
Charlie+ Kirsty 41.00
Magnus 23.35
Robin 53.30
Kevin 43.55
Margo 46.30
Roy 57.16
Margaret 51.15
Chris 31.14
George 41.10
Brian 35.50
Thomas + Robin 27.20
Amanda 35.00
Richard 32.35
David, Nicholas and Andrew Finch did the second leg only. Bruce Inglis and Margaret Ellis did just the first leg.