
Course Maps

No course maps posted yet.

Organizers: Bruce Rennie (Organizer), Graeme Rennie (Organizer), Robyn Rennie (Organizer)

Map: Rice Lake

Lynn Valley Adventure Run

Register for one of the following options!

Short (easy) - 4-5 km, suitable for beginners, families and juniors
Sport - score-O format, ca 14 km. Visit as many check points as you can in 2 hours.
Advanced - 9 km
Elite - 15 km
Duathlon - CANCELLED - due to permitting issues.

We will meet in the gymnasium at Brockton School in Lynn Valley. You'll be able to leave your items in the hall, and have a warm dry place to return after the race. Plan to hang around afterwards to chat about the race, and have a hot drink and a snack! Please note no shoes are allowed inside! Click here for the map!

Please register before Friday, Nov 4th.
Beginners and newcomers welcome!

When: Registration starts at 9:30am, First start 10:00am Course closes 2:00pm (remember to set back your clocks Saturday night)

Members: Adults: $10. Under 20 years of age: $5, Family maxiumum: $20.
Non-Members: Adult: $15. Under 20: $10, Family maximum: $40.

is our annual long distance orienteering race using a map in Lynn Valley which includes the best trail network of the valley as well as residential area and all small parks around.

We offer a course for everyone.
You can race solo or in a team of two.
You can run or hike.

Event Report

A wonderful late fall day in Lynn Valley. Crisp and sunny!

Thanks to everyone who came out today.

Here are the results:

Sport Results - Score Results
Overall Results - for Short, Advanced and Elite
Winsplits - for Short, Advanced and Elite
RouteGadget - Draw your route and replay the run - for Short, Advanced and Elite

And here are lots of photos!

Thanks to the organizers:
- Courses by Bruce, Graeme and Robyn Rennie
- Food by Hillary A, Chris O and Margo M
- Registration by Andrea, Jackie and Meghan
- Check points placed by Bruce, Graeme, Magnus and Chris Benn
- Weather by Thomas Nipen

Next Why Just Run is Dec 4 in White Rock. See you there!



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun728 (all one word)