Jericho Beach Wednesday Evening Training
March 10th 2010 6:30pm
Organizer: Carol Ross (Event Director)
Map: Jericho Beach
This week's event will be a 'THOMAS' race (spelling change in honour of Thomas's birthday). For those unfamiliar with this format, here is how it works: there will be a box on the map with 6-8 controls. The number of controls you have to get in the box depends on your age and gender (see below). You may visit these controls in any order. After you complete the box section the course continues with a regular point-to-point course.
Here is a map with the starting point. Meet at the bathrooms by the beach on the east side of the map. Mass start at 6:45. Please register by Wednesday morning.
Handicaps (how many controls you can drop in the box)
Female - 2
12 or younger - 4
14 or younger - 3
16 or younger - 2
18 or younger - 1
20 - 34 - 0
35 or older - 1
45 or older - 2
55 or older - 3
65 or older - 4