
Course Maps

Adventure Long

Adventure Short (Beginner)

O - Long

O - Short

Organizers: Kate Knapp (Event Director), Kate Knapp (Course Planner), Jules Tough (Membership), Stan Woods (Coach)

Map: Princess Park

*UPDATE* The parking lot gate closes at 6pm but still go to the area on google as there is ample room for parking on the street just outside! The closest bus stop is #54262

Hello Everyone and Welcome to what will be an enjoyable Wednesday Evening Training @ Princess Park. The park is PNW open forest with a good trail network. There is potential for some street running as the map includes two school locations which the O-Long, O-Short, & Adventure Long courses reach. The Adventure Short (Beginner) course stays in Princess Park :D

This week we have two classes of courses:
Adventure = New to Navigation (Orienteering) with Long and Short running options
O-Dash = Experienced Orienteers with Long and Short running options



6:15 pm Introduction to Orienteering for Beginners

6:30 pm Starts

8 pm Course Closure, participants must report to the Finish before leaving.


Adventure Long = This course is for those interested in a long run but new to navigation! The course is 3.7 km long as the crow flies so you can bet you'll be running farther! There are 25 controls to keep your mind busy while your legs churn!

Adventure Short (Beginner) = For those new to navigation but they would like a shorter course. This is also our youth/family friendly course!

O-Long = Experienced navigators who would like to hone their skills on the long course! The course has only 16 controls so there are some LONG legs in there to help you work on "Thumbing Along" by forcing you into making complicated and long route choice decisions. Don't get off your plan part way through!!

O-Short = Experienced navigators who would like to run a shorter distance. 14 controls and 1.1 km less than the long but no less tricky! LONG legs to test your skills and may I apologize in advance about 9-10? :D

This Week's Orienteering Training Goal for those on the O-Dash Courses: THUMBING ALONG!

Thumbing Along - Try using your thumb, or the tip of your thumb compass to keep track of your current location on the map. This is very helpful for remembering how many side trails you've passed and what intersection is coming up next. Thumbing Along in an important skill to hone especially as you start to tackle longer legs with longer distances between controls.

Safety Precautions

Always use good judgement and common sense. Carry a whistle at all times. Headlamps are essential to see and be seen. Take care when crossing roads and parking lots. Watch out for other runners, cyclists, and trail/sidewalk users.

Parking/Start/Finish Locations

Google: Princess Park Parkade and it will take you right there!

We will be meeting near the Princess Park shelter just walk down the path from the parking area and you will see us. Parking is available off of Princess Street in the parking lot though do check the closure times for the gate of the parking lot - they are changing often as we head into spring!

Post-Event Dining

TBD @ The Event!


Without volunteers, these events cannot take place. A hearty thanks to all those helping put this event on. If you would like to volunteer/help at upcoming WETs/WJRs or would like to organize a WET please let us know.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun2773 (all one word)