Food Bank fund-raiser
March 28th 2010 12:00pm
Organizers: Jeremy Gordon (Course Planner), Alison Schoenhardt (Event Director)
GVOC is hosting a fund-raising Orienteering event to raise money for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank.
Where: Central Park Burnaby, North-West corner near picnic sites (see Link above for approximate location)
When: Sunday March 28th - starting time anytime between 12 noon and 3pm
The event is mainly targetted towards people on various running and walking Meet-up and other groups. We're asking for a $20 donation, $5 of which will go to GVOC to cover a new membership. We're hoping for anywhere from 50 to 100 people, which will introduce Orienteering to lots of new people and raise up to $1000 for a very worthy cause.
We'd like to invite existing GVOC members to come out to share the fun and help meet our fund-raising target.
There will be 2 easy courses - 1.5km and 3.5km, with electronic timing at the Start and Finish and at a couple of controls in-between, just to give people a taste of "splits".