Olympic Village WET Wednesday Evening Training
February 5th 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Organizer: Jonathan Harris (Event Director)
Map: Olympic Village
Please note there is a chance of cancellation if snow leaves the sidewalks in the area too slippery for safe running.
Exact start location TBC, but likely close to the Creekside Community Recreation Centre
Please sign up by Tuesday night (at midnight) so that we can print enough maps.
There is paid parking at Science World and several other lots nearby, or you can take your chances with street parking in the neighbourhood.
- Beginner: A short course suitable for those new to the sport. Family friendly.
- Loops: 2-3 short sprint loops with a focus on high speed navigation (conditions permitting) and detail-reading. No pressure to finish them all!
- 18:00 Registration opens
- 18:00 to 18:50: Coaching for beginners and on mapping of multi-level areas
- 18:00 to 19:20: Individual starts
- 20:00: Course closes. All participants must report to the finish before leaving!
- After: Lots of good food options and craft breweries nearby for anyone interested in a group meal after the event!
Wednesday Evening Training
- What should I bring? Wear something comfortable that you don't mind getting a little dirty! If it's wet outside, you might want to consider a change of shoes and socks! A headlamp or flashlight and reflective clothing is critical in the winter months (late September to April). A compass is optional (we have extra ones for borrowing). For added safety, a whistle is mandatory for all GVOC events. Read more in the WET Introduction to Orienteering.
When should I sign up? Please sign up by Tuesday night so that we can print enough maps, although we have extra maps if you forget.
How much does it cost? All WETs are free with yearly membership.
Club membership: See details on the club home page. Please complete before your first event!