Deer Lake Wednesday Evening Training
October 21st 2009 6:30pm
Organizer: John Rance (Event Director)
Map: Deer Lake
The Deer Lake WET will start from near 5221 Oakmount Crescent, Burnaby. This is NOT the usual start location.
The event will take place on the fields, paths, and condo complex in the south-western part of the park. The grass in the fields and marshes is still very thick so most of the course will be on paths with only a few short sections in the tall grass. There will be 3 loops and a total distance of about 6kms.
We have a new policy for juice and cookies at WET events. Beginning Wednesday, these will be funded by donations. A juice box and a couple cookies cost us about 50 cents, so if you put a twoonie in the jar you can snack for a month.