Blue Mountain Park - 2 person relay Social
January 22nd 2023 10:00am - 12:00pm
Organizers: Joanne Woods (Event Director), Stan Woods (Event Director), Scott Muma (Assistant)
Map: Blue Mountain Park
Our first weekend event in 2023 is a fun & exciting team sprint designed to help you get to know other club members and prepare you for the upcoming Sprint Camp in March. You don't want to miss this event! Blue Mountain Park is a small park with open forest (how rare is that?), as well as several interesting features & statues.
This will be a 2 person relay with SI timing.
Person 1 runs leg 1 and 3
Person 2 runs leg 2 and 4.
Relay teams will be assigned by the event directors.
Each leg is about 1000 m long with a spectator control half way through. All 4 legs are forked so that every team will have run all legs by the end of the relays. Don't follow anyone, as they may be going to a different control than you are looking for.
We will have 2 mass starts - one for people who are completely new to orienteering or those who prefer to walk the courses and one for people who have orienteered before. Choose which mass start you would like to be in when you register. All competitors will run the same courses regardless of which mass start you register for.
If there is enough interest, we can run a third mass start if some teams want to do a second relay. The person who ran leg 1 and 3 would keep the same partner and run leg 2 and 4 the second time and vice versa.
Event Registration closes Saturday Jan 21 at noon so we have time to print maps and assign relay teams and SI units in advance. Please register by the deadline.
Parking: please park along King Edward Street
Start location: the picnic shelter just NE of the intersection of King Edward Street and Nelson
Schedule for Sunday Jan 22:
9:00 instruction for those who are new to orienteering or have not used SI timing before
9:30 - 9:50 Event check in on day of the event to pick up your SI stick and to meet your team partner:
10:00 first Mass start and 2nd mass start TBD
12:00 Post Event Picnic & Social: bring food for a picnic or potluck lunch. Weather permitting we will eat at the picnic shelter. If weather is poor we will move to our home 5 minutes away.
Map notes:
1. Playground structures, signs and picnic tables are marked as "X" manmade features but park benches and garbage cans are not marked on the map. For example;
This map clip shows 2 picnic benches and the picnic shelter and the photo of the same location is below.
2. There are several stone/concrete art sculptures in the park. Larger art works are mapped using the symbol whereas smaller ones are mapped using the "boulder"
symbol. For example