The GVOC AGM will be held on Sunday December 13th at 7pm. Unfortunately, given the current COVID situation we will not be able to hold this event in person this year so we will be having a virtual on-line (Zoom) AGM. Registration is not required and all members of the club are encouraged to participate. The Zoom details have been emailed to all club members.

GVOC 2020 AGM - Agenda.pdf

In addition to reports from the executive members on the state of the club, there will be an election of new members of the GVOC Executive (GVOC Executive members serve for one-year terms, and current members must be re-elected, if they choose to continue).

There is still room on the Executive for new members - if anyone is interested in helping guide the club in the coming year please let us know by emailing - we'd love to hear from you!

Alternatively, if you have a particular project you'd be interested in taking on (mapping, running an event, training etc. etc.), please let us know and we'll work to connect you with the resources to help you do that.

Are you active on social media? Do you enjoy engaging with new people? We are looking for someone to update and manage GVOC's social media presence. This could be as little as updating facebook & instragram about events or as much or you'd like to do.

We'll also have break-out rooms for you to chat and socialize with your fellow club members.

Lastly, time to show off your creative side with our dessert competition. Make any type of orienteering OR Covid themed dessert, show it to the group and we'll have a prize for the best one. Hopefully, they'll taste as good as they look ;-) Some examples from a previous contest are


Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun4298 (all one word)