Organizer: Brian Ellis (Host)

Consolidated Constitution and Bylaws_2017_revision_2018.docx

Consolidated Constitution and Bylaws_2017-2.docx

OBC Annual General Meeting

The main point of business, aside from the President’s report, and a financial report from the Treasurer, will be a motion, as a Special Resolution, to accept a revised Constitution and Bylaws.

This revision has two major features – 1) the name of the Association is to be changed to “Orienteering BC”, with corresponding text changes throughout the document; and 2) the original Bylaw (#7) describing the management of the Seal of the Association is to be deleted (as far as I know, we never had an official Seal, and we certainly don’t have one now), with a corresponding re-numbering of the bylaws. Otherwise, there are only minor editorial changes in the revised version, some to deal with typos in the original, and a few to clarify the intent of the bylaw, or to update it (e.g. there will no longer be a Minutes Book, but an on-going record of Minutes will be maintained digitally).


Please register for one of the two courses if you will be participating.


The AGM will be held at the Ellis abode, 2621 West 3rd Avenue, right side entrance.


Course Maps

No course maps posted yet.


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