WET #26 - Minoru Park Wednesday Evening Training
April 26th 2006 6:30pm
Organizer: Leonid Ganeline (Event Director)
Map: Minoru Park
Parking: go south by #3 Rd., turn right to Granvile Ave., 2nd right turn to the parking lot near a stadium (50m from Granvile Ave.).
Please, register online at GVOC website so I know how many maps to print ahead of time.
At the least, reply to this email to reserve a map.
Start/Finish location: south end of the stadium.
TIME: 6:30pm - registering
6:45pm - start. Individual start is in 1-2 min interval
Length: 5.7 km
Result of winner: ~35 min.
Type: middle course, park orienteering. It's NOT an "entry" level orienteering. You can get a benefit from your compass and your skills.
Terrain: very flat, open land, and dump grass. Small bushes are dark-green.
Map scale: 1:4000, contour interval - 5m. The control description is not printed on the map. You can copy it manually from the original.
Fieldwork/cartography: Thomas Nipen (2005). Thanks Thomas! Good work, good map.
Dangerous places: If you ran across the parking lot near Richmond Hospital or near Fire depot, please, be afraid of the emergency cars.