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# Participant Score Points Time Points

Course Maps

No course maps posted yet.

Organizers: Jonah Haliburton (Event Director), Brian Ellis (Controller), Jules Tough (Membership)

Map: Grousewoods


This week at Grousewoods we have 3 courses, An advanced course that tours the neighbourhood, a beginner that stays close to home, and an extra beginner incase the first wasn't enough (could act as a sprint for those more experienced). We are meeting at Montroyal Elementary school. Bring some layers, It could be 4* and Rainy! Yay!?!


6:15pm Introduction to Orienteering for Beginners

6:30pm Starts

8pm Course Closure, participants must report to the Finish before leaving.


Develop a System. In the last two WETs, we have focused on specific techniques such as planning your routes in advance and orienting yourself prior to leaving a control. In this week's WET, you will be on an urban forest map. A key technique on a forest map is using the CAR (CONTROL-ATTACKPOINT-ROUTE) system. First, look at your next Control. Then choose an Attackpoint (AP), a distinctive feature located within about 50 metres of the control, one that's easier to recognize than the control feature itself. Next, choose your Route to the AP. You can then navigate more quickly and confidently to that point. Once you've reached the AP, check your orientation and navigate carefully into the control.

Apply this system consistently, to every leg in the course, until it becomes second-nature!


Safety Precautions

Always use good judgement and common sense. Carry a whistle at all times. Headlamps are essential to see and be seen. Take care when crossing roads and parking lots. Watch out for other runners, cyclists, and trail/sidewalk users.

Post-Event dining

Any suggestions?


Without volunteers, these events cannot take place. A hearty thanks to all those helping put this event on. If you would like to volunteer/help at upcoming WETs/WJRs or would like to organize a WET please let us know.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun2772 (all one word)