William Griffith Park Wednesday Evening Training
July 13th 2016 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Organizers: Sergio Martinez (Event Director), Itziar Martinez (Event Director)
Map: William Griffin Park
It turns out that the parking lot at William Griffin Park is closed until July 16th. However, you can still park along W Queens Rd for free.
We have also moved the meeting point accordingly.
Join us this Wednesday for some more orienteering training at William Griffin Park! The map has some closed areas due to construction, but we still can do some running in the forest. This map does not seem to have been used before, so hopefully that will add more interest to the course!
6:15pm Introduction to Orienteering for Beginners
6:30pm Starts
8pm Course Closure, participants must report to the Finish before leaving.
Two standard point to point courses will be offered, a short one with controls close to trails and a longer one with a bit more running in the bushes.
Safety Precautions
Carry a whistle at all times.
Parking/Start/Finish Locations
We will meet at the parking lot of the park (Entry from W Queens Road). Bus line 246 from downtown Vancouver drops you 10 min away by foot (great for a warm up).
Post-Event dining