WET 1 - BC Children's Hospital Wednesday Evening Training
October 5th 2005 6:30pm
The first WET of the season will be held Wednesday, October 5th, at the BC Children's Hospital. The start will be at 6:45, but please show up around 6:30. The start is located under the covered area in the centre of the map, and a map showing the exact location is posted on the registration page. Please register for this event by no later than Wednesday Morning at 9am, so that we know how many maps to print. It is starting to get dark out at this time of year, so youll want to bring a headlamp if you want to see where you are going! The cost for the event is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for non adults, and FREE for GVOC members!
This should be a fun event so hope to see everyone out on Wednesday! (but dont forget to register first)