Organizers: Alison Schoenhardt (Event Director), John Rance (Event Director), Karen Lachance (Event Director), Linda Wu (Event Director)

Map: Stanley Park

Come & enjoy a GVOC fun event to see Magnus, Andrea, Oliver, and Alex off on their next adventure. The family will be moving to Sweden in the middle of July.

Join us in Stanley Park! We'll meet on the grassy area close to the washrooms at Second Beach (see map below). Note that we DO NOT have use of the picnic area there, so bring your blanket, chairs, or whatever you want to get comfy. 

This is potluck style, so bring a salad, appetizer, drinks, or other delicious food to share. Consider not just bringing a bag of chips (mainly so we don't end up with 20 bags of chips!) Feel free to add a comment with your contribution when you sign up for the event, so we have an idea of who is bringing what.

Please bring your own plates, cutlery and cups

Of course, no send of for this family would be complete without an orienteering event! We'll be doing the Skinkaløppet style! How does this work, you ask? We'll have 1 course, suitable for anyone who attends our WET series. Before you start, you'll be told how long the course is. You have to guess what your time will be. Then you go and run the course with no timing device. The person who runs the course closest to their guess wins a prize!

Here are some rules:

  1. Your guess time is completely secret. The only person you're allowed to tell is the person who is taking down the guesses.
  2. You cannot wear any kind of timing device during the race, nor can you ask any person around you for the time.
  3. You can walk the course or cut the course short if you feel that you're getting close to your guessed time. Similarly, you can wait close to the finish if you think you're under time.
  4. No discussing the course with anyone until the results are annouced

We'll announce the results around 1:00pm

Please sign up by Friday July 10, so we know roughly how many maps to print.


Course Maps

No course maps posted yet.


Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun2140 (all one word)