Vanier Park Wednesday Evening Training
November 26th 2014 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Organizer: Corey Grobe (Event Director)
Map: Vanier Park
Primary Organizers:
Event Director/Course Planner: Corey Grobe and Natasha Mulekova, Membership/Registrar: Karen Lachance, Trainers: Mantas Jarusevicius
Butterflies around Vanier Park & Kits Beach
6:15PM Introduction to Orienteering for Beginners
6:30PM Starts begin for both courses
8:00PM Course Closure, participants must report to the Finish by Course Closure Time.
Two courses will be offered, one of which is Shorter/Easier and is a single loop appropriate for families.
The other course is Longer/Harder with a few butterflies.
Safety Precautions:
Headlamps and a whistle are required. Take care when crossing roads and parking lots.
Parking/Start/Finish Locations:
Parking near the start/finish is at the north parking lot Kits beach. Parking at the lot is $2.25 / 2hrs. Some free residential parking south of 4th Ave.
Post-Event Dining:
Several options available along Yew Street.
Without volunteers, these events cannot take place. A hearty thanks to all those helping put this event on. If you would like to volunteer/help at upcoming WETs/WJRs or would like to organize a WET please let us know.