The Orienteering Association of BC is holding it's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday October 20, 1:30pm, at Jaycees House on the Northshore. That's where the Lynn Valley WHY JUST RUN will end. There will also be pizza for those who stay... but that's not the only reason you should care!
An email was sent out recently with a list of volunteer positions (you can still sign up here!) As you can see, it takes a huge amount of man power to run the smooth, well-oiled machine that is GVOC. We couldn't exist without OABC; as OABC takes on the responsibility of liaising with sports and funding agencies, so we have money to make maps and hold events. 
We'd love it if you could come run with us at Lynn Valley, then stay for pizza and hear what the OABC board has to say. It's a small way of saying "thanks, we appreciate what you OABC guys do". 

Course Maps

No course maps posted yet.


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