Barnett Marine Park Wednesday Evening Training
June 12th 2013 6:30pm
Organizers: Bruce Rennie (Event Director), Robyn Rennie (Coach)
Map: Barnet Marine Park
Primary Organizers:
Event Director/Course Planner Bruce Rennie, Membership/Registrar Karen LaChance, Trainer Robyn Rennie
Barnet Marine Park is a small area so we are going to use the event to practise using our control descriptions. This will also be good for anyone who isn't that familar with the course control descriptions that are used in the Why Just Run events. We have a loop course half of which makes for the Short course and the full course is the Long Course.
There are TWO railway track crossings at grade which means that TRAINS have right of way. If you are about to cross the tracks and the booms come down we will adjust your time to reflect the fact that you waited for the train. Anyone not waiting for trains can accept the consequences which may be severe! In the past this has not been an issue but it is a warning worth noting.
6:30 - Introduction to Orienteering for Beginners
6:30 - Starts begin
8:00 - Course Closure, participants must report to the Finish by Course Closure Time.
Two courses will be offered, one of which is easier/shorter depending on terrain and suitable for beginners/families. The other of which is Longer/Harder depending on terrain.
Safety Precautions:
There are TWO railway track crossings at grade which means that TRAINS have right of way. If you are about to cross the tracks and the booms come down we will adjust your time to reflect the fact that you waited for the train. Anyone not waiting for trains can accept the consequences which may be severe! In the past this has not been an issue but it is a warning worth noting.
Parking/Start/Finish Locations:
Parking and Start Finish will be at the East end of the Eastern carpark which you can enter shortly after exiting off Barnet Highway.
Post-Event Dining:
Bring a picnic - it is a beautiful spot for an evening at the beach.
Without volunteers, these events cannot take place. A hearty thanks to all those helping put this event on. If you would like to volunteer/help at upcoming WETs/WJRs or would like to organize a WET please let us know.