Trout Lake Wednesday Evening Training
October 24th 2012 6:30pm
Course Maps
No course maps posted yet.Organizers: Thomas Nipen (Event Director), Louise Oram (Host)
Map: Trout Lake
Join us at Trout Lake this week for more exciting park orienteering! Two courses are offered: 1) A beginner course suited for newcomers (2.5km) 2) A longer advanced course (5km)
Both courses go through open parks with trees and trails surrounding Trout Lake. The longer course includes some route choice legs through the residential areas up towards the school to the south. The evenings are dark now so you will need a headlamp, however there are no dark forested areas on the map so a small headlamp will be sufficient.
Please meet at the north end of the Trout Lake community centre, accessible from Victoria Dr. at 15th avenue.
First start at 6:45. Courses close at 8pm.
Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun908 (all one word)