Central Park Wednesday Evening Training
April 6th 2011 6:30pm
Organizer: Alison Schoenhardt (Event Director)
Map: Central Park
Come and explore CENTRAL PARK, Burnaby.
Central Park is a flat, forested area, with lots of trail navigation. The undergrowth is just starting to grow, so areas that are mapped as green maybe passable!There will be 2 courses offered - a point to point course for beginners, and a relocation exercise (see below for explanation - thanks to David for the idea and explanation!).
Arrive at 6:20pm for a "Talk with the Pros". Louise Oram will give her tips on how to relocate, which you can then put in to practice on the course!
NOTE DIFFERENT START LOCATION. We will meet under Patterson Skytrain Station. Parking is available at the lot just north of the skytrain line, or on Patterson Street (see map)
Start from 6:30pm. Course closes at 8pm. We will go for dinner after at a nearby restaurant, and everyone is very welcome!
Please sign up by Tuesday April 5th, so we can print you a map!
The relocation session will be done in pairs (preferably someone of a similar speed and someone you dont know yet). For the exercise there will be two different roles which will be switched at each control: the navigator and the follower. Navigators are allowed to look at their map to navigate to the drop-off point. Followers are not allowed to look at their map before reaching the drop-off point.
The role of the navigator is to take the follower to a drop-off point anywhere within about 50m (1cm on the map) of the control. At this point the follower may look at their map, relocate and navigate to the control. Note that the controls will NOT be flagged. This gives the navigator the option to run through the control to confuse the follower, and also means the follower cannot accidentally find the control!
Once the control has been located the roles are reversed. The original navigator stops looking at their map and becomes the follower. The new navigator then takes the new follower to the drop-off point for the next control.
To make the exercise more challenging try some of the following:
The follower avoids looking at their compass on the way to the drop-off point
The navigator distracts the follower with conversation
The navigator takes a confusing route on the way to the drop-off point
The follower stays at the drop-off point (or moves around as little as possible) until they have relocated and are ready to move to the control Â