Musqueam Park Wednesday Evening Training
October 20th 2010 6:45pm
Organizer: Hilary Anderson (Event Director)
Map: Musqueam Park
LOCATION: Parking turnout on west side of Crown Street just south ofSW Marine Drive. There is limited parking on Crown but plenty on nearbystreets. Here is a map link -
COURSE INFO: Musqueam Park is a small park with a painstakingly restoredsalmon stream running through it. The course will be 2 loops (~ 2 km each withmap exchange after first loop), with lots of controls, some shared, in opengrassy area and on forest trails. Controls are placed away from sensitive areasby the stream and the course is designed to avoid the temptation to wade crossit!
TIME: Individual starts any time after 6:00 pm. Mass start(preferred option) will be at 6:45 pm.
Please signup on the website by Tuesday evening to allowtime for the maps to be printed.
POST-WET SOCIAL EVENT in the neighbourhood:
Join other GVOCers for a visit to the famed Dunbar HauntedHouse before it gets too crowded closer to Halloween ( at6478 Dunbar Street,
followed by pizza at the Oram residence at 5626 Alma Street.
Bring money for the haunted house. This year, all proceedswill be donated to the B.C. Professional Fire Fighters Burn Fund, theChristmas Bureau, and the Vancouver Police Union Charity Foundation. Also bring$5 for the pizza.