Cates Park Wednesday Evening Training
April 7th 2010 6:30pm
Organizer: Margo Mactaggart (Event Director)
Map: Cates Park
Meet at 6:30 the picnic shelter just east of the boat launch and dock for a "dog bones" event, i.e joining up various set "legs" efficiently to complete the course. From Dollarton Highway turn off into the park on Fairway Drive. Head down the smaller road towards the picnic shelter near the dock.
Mass start for the hard core at 6:45. Individual starts for others from 6:30. Be back by 8:00..
We may go to supper afterward at Raven's Pub in Deep Cove.
Everyone is welcome!
To reach Cates Park, take Dollarton Highway eastward from Second Narrows Ironworkers Memorial Bridge.