Renfrew Ravine Wednesday Evening Training
July 28th 2021 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Organizers: Joanne Woods (Event Director), John Rance (Course Planner), Stan Woods (Coach), Joanne Woods (Membership)
Map: Renfrew Ravine
Renfrew Ravine is a family friendly park, with a small creek and multiple bridge crossings. Route choice is the focus of this WET.
The event will be 4 "short" point to point courses. Each course is less than 1 km. You can choose to do 1, 2, 3, or all 4 loops as separate courses, or as one continuous course. If you want to do it as a head to head race - you and your friend can start at the same time.
Fun optional twist for this week - you will be given a map with all 4 courses on it and you will have 20 seconds to look at all four courses and then you have to predict which one will be the fastest course. You can run each course and see if your prediction was correct.
Please bring a timing device for yourself if you want your times recorded. I cannot guarantee I will be able to time the various loops each person does.
START Location: Meet near the wadding pool in Renfrew Community Park, which is a short distance north of the Renfrew Community Center and Library.
You must be an active member of an orienteering club in order to participate, so please do the 2021 GVOC club membership and waiver if you haven't done it yet this year.
ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT, please do the Declaration of Health form by clicking here
BRING A PICNIC TO EAT AFTER THE EVENT, and visit with other club members. Everyone is welcome.
Course Maps
No course maps posted yet.Photos
Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun4496 (all one word)