Central Park Wednesday Evening Training
June 11th 2014 6:30pm - 8:15pm
Organizers: Gilles Delmee (Event Director), Catherine Hoofd (Event Director)
Map: Central Park
Thanks everyone for a very nice orienteering night in Central Park and this first edition of the "Belgian Beer Grand Prix". Safety car, crazy butterfly loops, gifted beginners, tight competition and a great podium made this WET a lot of fun to organize. Special congratulations to Ryan, Mantas and Ian the Hardman and also to Marissa!
Primary Organizers: Catherine Hoofd & Gilles Delmée
Event Director/Course Planner: Gilles , Membership/Registrar: Catherine , Trainer: Catherine
Come to beautiful Central Park to breathe some fresh air in Burnaby and train for the last time before the rogaine and the coming World Cup. I have to admit that some trails are a bit sketchy so we made the course to avoid those. Join us for an EPIC mass start at 7PM!
18:30 Introduction to Orienteering for Beginners
18:30 Starts begin for both courses
19:00: MASS START for both courses :)
20:15: Course Closure, participants must report to the Finish by Course Closure Time.
Two courses will be offered, one shorter and easier depending on terrain, and appropriate for families.
The other course will be longer and is not recommended for beginners.
Safety Precautions:
Both courses will cross playgrounds with a lot of kids so please yield to them. There will also be a little bit of trail running but close to zero on the Hardman scale, so wearing shorts is advised.
Parking/Start/Finish Locations:
Let's meet at Swangard stadium parking lot at the Northwest side of the park. You can easily join us from Patterson Skytrain station.
Post-Event Dining:
Sushi or Indian food ?
Without volunteers, these events cannot take place. A hearty thanks to all those helping put this event on. If you would like to volunteer/help at upcoming WETs/WJRs or would like to organize a WET please let us know.